
Week without Walls 2023

Written by Holy Trinity School | Apr 22, 2024 5:40:05 PM


During our recent Week Without Walls Zoo Challenge, Middle School students had the unique opportunity to collaborate with experts from the Toronto Zoo to address pressing real-world challenges. Focusing on four critical themes—sustainability, engagement, connection to nature, and conservation—the students worked in teams to brainstorm innovative solutions, encouraging them to think critically about issues impacting both the local community and the environment.

The challenge kicked off with a visit to the Toronto Zoo, where students explored the exhibits and gained insights into the zoo’s conservation efforts. Working in groups of four to six, the students tackled problems like reducing the zoo’s environmental impact, engaging visitors in conservation efforts, and protecting endangered species. With guidance from field specialists, the students developed practical solutions aimed at making a real difference.

Back in the classroom, the teams refined their ideas and crafted pitches to present to a panel of judges. Each solution was evaluated on creativity, feasibility, and potential impact. Students demonstrated impressive confidence and insight, drawing praise for their ingenuity and passion. Winners from each category competed for the titles of Most Creative Solution and Best Pitch, showcasing their best work in a final round of presentations.

The Week Without Walls Zoo Challenge was a valuable, hands-on learning experience that allowed students to apply their knowledge to real-world problems, while deepening their understanding of the importance of environmental sustainability. Through this collaboration with the Toronto Zoo, our students took an active role in finding solutions to some of today’s most pressing issues, inspiring them to continue making a positive impact on the world around them.