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Monica Nijhawan 

Dr. Monica Nijhawan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto, and a family physician at Southlake Health in Newmarket, Ontario. She joined the Southlake Academic Family Health Team in 2008, and has held numerous leadership roles at the site including Co-Lead of the Southlake Family Health Organization, Faculty Development Lead, and Postgraduate Site Director for the Southlake Family Medicine Residency Program.

In addition, she has served on the Board of the Southlake Academic Family Health Team. Monica is passionate about medical education research and scholarship. In 2019, she completed a Masters of Science in Community Health (Health Practitioner Teacher Educator), at the University of Toronto. Her scholarly interests have focused on interprofessional education and teaching exceptional learners. She has presented her work at National and International Family Medicine and Medical Education conferences.  She has also published work in these areas of interest.

Monica and her family have been part of the HTS community since 2013.  She and her husband Nav have two children who attend HTS.