The Lower School

Foundations of a Learning Adventure


The Lower School

Foundations of a Learning Adventure

The Lower School at HTS is where young minds embark on an inspiring educational adventure filled with curiosity, exploration, and growth. From Kindergarten through Grade 5, we foster a nurturing environment that celebrates each child's unique potential and ignites a passion for lifelong learning.

Our Lower School program is thoughtfully designed to provide a holistic and enriching experience, laying a strong foundation for academic excellence and character development. Our dedicated educators are committed to creating a vibrant and inclusive community where students thrive both academically and socially. Our classrooms are dynamic spaces that encourage active participation, collaboration, and hands-on exploration. Technology is seamlessly integrated into our teaching methods, enhancing the learning experience and preparing students for the digital age.

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that blends innovative teaching methodologies with a focus on foundational skills. Through a blend of traditional subjects and hands-on experiential learning, students are encouraged to think critically, solve problems creatively, and express themselves confidently. Small class sizes ensure personalized attention which allows each child to progress at their own pace while receiving the support they need to excel. 

At the heart of our Lower School is a strong sense of community built on respect, empathy, and inclusivity, where students, parents, and educators form close bonds to create an atmosphere of positive collaboration.

Head of Lower School: Ms Heather MacDonald
Assistant Head of Lower School: Ms Brenda Balfour
Grades: K to 5
Language: English
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Specialized Teachers

Starting in JK, all classes have a classroom rotation to learn from teachers who have specialized qualifications. The following subjects are taught in designated spaces:

  • Art
  • French
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Religious Knowledge
  • Science (Grades 3 to 5)

Interdisciplinary Learning 

Interdisciplinary learning in Grades K-5 at Holy Trinity School is an integral part of our educational approach, fostering a deeper understanding of subjects by connecting them in meaningful and engaging ways. When appropriate, we seamlessly integrate various subjects, allowing students to explore connections, solve problems, and apply knowledge across disciplines. This approach often involves project-based and inquiry-based learning, where students work collaboratively on projects that encompass multiple subjects. By integrating subjects such as science, social studies, and mathematics, students explore how these disciplines relate to everyday life and understand the importance of real-world connections to their learning.

In our Lower School, we integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) to foster innovation and critical thinking. Field trips, guest speakers, and experiential learning opportunities are seamlessly woven into interdisciplinary studies. These experiences enrich classroom learning by providing hands-on encounters that reinforce connections between different subjects. A trip to a museum, for instance, might tie in concepts from history, technology, and art. 



By integrating subjects, students develop critical thinking skills and become adept problem solvers. Through this approach, students not only excel academically but also develop a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of knowledge and its application in real-world contexts.

Student Life Programming

The Lower School Student Life Program is designed to help students develop key skills for future opportunities.

The competitive-level teams in the Lower School beginning in Grade 4 include:

  • Basketball
  • Cross-country
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Track and Field
  • Volleyball
  • Theatrical Productions
  • Musical Performances
  • Coding
  • Robotics
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Leadership Opportunities

There are many opportunities for leadership development in the Lower School, including reading buddies, House Captains, Community Crew, and Lower School Prefects. As leaders, students serve as role models for Lower School students in all aspects of school life including recess, hallways, classroom, special events, co-curricular activities, and more. The Lower School Leaders are also committed to helping students become a part of the school community.

After School Activities

We have an incredible range of after-school activities for our Lower School students, including a mix of outdoor and indoor activities to help all students experience new opportunities outside of their regular academic day. These activities include trail walks, arts and crafts, coding, tennis, outdoor play, yoga, dance and more. Our Lower School co-curriculars run twice per week, typically from 3:25pm to 4:10pm.