The Middle School

Where Life's Possibilities Begin to Grow


The Middle School

Where Life's Possibilities Begin to Grow

Middle School is an exciting time at HTS as students’ learning journeys begin to expand and their future prospects start to flourish. Creative and caring teachers provide a rich and challenging curriculum that is geared towards the developing minds and characters of adolescence, making Middle School an exciting place in which to explore, learn, and grow.

At this stage, students are ready for the challenges of a more demanding curriculum. The academic program is rigorous, highly interdisciplinary, and inquiry-based and develops the students ability to think critically, learn independently, and communicate clearly. HTS provides time outside of the academic timetable to allow students to fill their toolbox, follow their interests, or seek support during Student Directed Time. From study skills to organization, debate to coding, investment club to wellness and leadership, Student Directed Time is designed to complement the educational excellence in the classroom. 

As students begin to broaden their horizons, taking advantage of leadership opportunities and assuming more responsibility within the school community, they benefit from increased individual attention. Beginning in Grade 6, each student is assigned a faculty advisor to facilitate goal-setting, organization and prioritization, and provide consistent guidance and support.

Head of Middle School: Mr Rob Thomson
Assistant Head of Middle School: Ms Marisa Tassone
Grades: 6 to 8
Language: English
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Specialized Teachers

The following subjects have teachers who have advanced qualifications. Students are offered a full rotation of classes in:

  • Art
  • Drama
  • English
  • French
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Religious Knowledge
  • Science
  • Social Studies

Interdisciplinary Learning

We know the world is not separated into silos, so neither should the learning experience be. It is important for students to develop into adults who are critical and creative problem solvers and we provide the opportunities for them to learn in this way across all courses. HTS Middle School students also participate in problem solving challenges that are authentic and connected to real-world issues. In the 2023 Week Without Walls, all Middle School students were able to select an issue provided by the Toronto Zoo, then work with Toronto Zoo experts and employees to learn the basics of industry design thinking skills to develop their own solutions.

All students in Grades 6 to 8 are taught through a lens of interdisciplinary collaboration and HTS has partnered with many incredible groups—like the Rotman I-think Program and the Future Design School (FDS)—to facilitate this. Educators build incredible learning experiences that allow students to combine learning across their subjects to develop their multidisciplinary problem solving.

Student Life Programming

The following are the chances that students have to take part in athletic and creative endeavours in Middle School:


  • Basketball
  • Cross-country
  • Field Hockey
  • Rugby
  • Soccer


  • Softball
  • Track and Field
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Volleyball
  • Middle School Play


  • Art Showcases
  • Musical Bands
  • Performances
  • Fashion Forward
  • Robotics

Leadership Opportunities and Experiential Education

There are many opportunities for leadership roles in the Middle School. Some are formal positions—such as House Captains, Student Council, and Prefects —while others develop over the course of the year. Students are encouraged to seek leadership opportunities that will challenge them and are encouraged to volunteer for various committees that deliver Student Life programming.

Each year, students have opportunities for leadership and experiential education. In previous years, our students participated in trips to:


  • CAIS Leadership Conference
  • Quebec City
  • Space Camp at the NASA Education Centre
  • Canoe Trip in Algonquin Park
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Manitoulin Island
  • Niagara Falls and Escarpment
  • Camp Timberlane
  • Camp Pinecrest 
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Middle School Trinitarian Award

The Trinitarian Award is designed to encourage student engagement and enables students to take ownership of their individual growth. The award is based upon David Kolb’s model of experiential learning and the founding HTS values of respect, integrity, confidence and leadership. Middle School students have the opportunity to earn credits through service and citizenship, physical recreation, arts, innovation, leadership and character development in order to achieve the Middle School Trinitarian Award.