The Senior School
Building Compassion and Character for
Life Beyond HTS
The Senior School, Building Compassion and Character for Life Beyond HTS
In Senior School, HTS students can expect a vibrant school experience, with advanced learning and leadership programs carefully designed to prepare them for life at post-secondary and beyond. Our teachers are fully committed to helping our students realize their potential and exceed their own expectations.
The HTS Senior School has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence. In the classroom, students develop and build their capacity in all of our core six competencies; citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, character, and critical thinking. Students are provided with personalized and rich opportunities to engage with their learning and apply it across disciplines and, as an Apple Distinguished School, we use technology to enhance this learning and make it more relevant for the 21st-century learner.
In Senior School, HTS students can expect a vibrant school experience, with advanced learning and leadership programs carefully designed to prepare them for life at post-secondary and beyond. Our teachers are fully committed to helping our students realize their potential and exceed their own expectations.

The HTS Senior School has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence. In the classroom, students develop and build their capacity in all of our core six competencies; citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, character, and critical thinking.
Students are provided with personalized and rich opportunities to engage with their learning and apply it across disciplines and, as an Apple Distinguished School, we use technology to enhance this learning and make it more relevant for the 21st-century learner.
Student Life Programming
The student life program at HTS is all-encompassing—from competitive athletics and performance arts to visionary technology design, there is something for everyone. Below is a sample of just a few of the possibilities our students have to dream, build, and grow.
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Choir
- Concert Band
- Cross-country
- Fashion Forward
- Field hockey
- Hockey
- Jazz Band
- Rugby
- Soccer
- Softball
- Tennis
- Track and FIeld
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Volleyball
- Visual Arts Showcases
- Vex Robotics
- F1 Club
- Senior Play
Our personalized student success counsellors introduce and guide each student in researching post-secondary programs, volunteer opportunities, academic counselling, course selection, and much more.
Senior School students have one counsellor for their foundational years in Grade 9 and 10 and then are transferred to a different counsellor for Grades 11 and 12. This allows students to have a counsellor that specializes in their unique post-secondary goals.
Teacher Advisor Group (TAG)
All students are placed in a TAG with approximately 10 other students and one faculty advisor, and stay together from Grade 9 through Grade 12 to create a strong bond of support. The TAG advisor is the main point of contact for students and their families.
Each week, there is a dedicated time for TAG and the students also see their advisor four times a week in homeroom. TAG is built into every student's schedule to enable them to build a relationship with their advisor and other students who can guide them in their social, emotional and academic well-being.
Internship Program
The HTS internship program was created to ensure that we are not only providing an unparalleled academic education, but are making sure that HTS graduates are prepared for the dynamic and rapidly changing work force ahead. In Grades 9 and 10, all students participate in the HTS Internship Foundations Program which focuses on transferable workplace skills. Students explore several career opportunities and participate in authentic Hack-a-thons where real businesses and companies bring their problems to our students who use their acquired skills in Design Thinking and Project Management to come up with solutions. Some of the partners that we have worked with include Apple, McKesson Canada, Révolutionnaire, Instage, Egale Canada, and Borden Ladner Gervais, LLP.
Students start their internship journey with a mini work placement in Grade 10 before a longer internship placement in either Grades 11 or 12. This is an experience that all students must complete as part of graduating.
Leadership Opportunities
HTS students are encouraged to participate in leadership programs designed to prepare them for post-secondary and beyond. Our students receive training and support from faculty mentors through regular planning meetings and frequent hands-on leadership opportunities. In addition, there are several trips and Breakaway experiences available to Senior School leaders to further hone their leadership skills while working with their younger peers. The larger leadership roles include: Club Leaders, House Captains, Prefects and the Student Council.