Student Life

At HTS we are proud that our student life program is as rich and robust as our academic program. We believe in the power of allowing our students to explore, create, design and develop in ways outside of the classroom, and it is away from their desks that some of the best self-discovery happens.

We also know that for incredible learning to happen, we have to be intentional around the type of programs we offer in and out of the classroom.

Our Student Life Framework ensures that as our students move from grade to grade, their experiences grow with them—providing fresh opportunities to discover new interests and solidify those already found. From clubs to breakaway trips, we offer a rich and dynamic program of experiences to spark the seeds of curiosity in our students and ignite new passions.  


Student Life

At HTS we are proud that our student life program is as rich and robust as our academic program. We believe in the power of allowing our students to explore, create, design and develop in ways outside of the classroom, and it is away from their desks that some of the best self-discovery happens.

We also know that for incredible learning to happen, we have to be intentional around the type of programs we offer in and out of the classroom.

Our Student Life Framework ensures that as our students move from grade to grade, their experiences grow with them—providing fresh opportunities to discover new interests and solidify those already found. From clubs to breakaway trips, we offer a rich and dynamic program of experiences to spark the seeds of curiosity in our students and ignite new passions.  

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Athletics at HTS offers our students an opportunity to try new sports and compete against other CISAA schools. Through regular participation, students gain knowledge, build their skills and improve their fitness and well-being. They also make new friends and form team bonds that last well beyond the time of graduation.

With four gymnasiums, ample field space, and close proximity to other arenas and practice areas, the HTS Athletics program helps students thrive no matter if it is their first time stepping onto the court or if they play on a rep team outside of school.

Grade 4 to 12 students can participate in soccer, cross-country running, volleyball, track and field, and basketball.

Grade 6 to 12 students can also participate in badminton, field hockey, rugby, ultimate frisbee, and softball. Grade 9-12 students can also participate in ice hockey and swimming. Grade 6 to 12 students have opportunities to play in local tournaments, CISAA tournaments and CAIS national tournaments.

Integrated Arts

Through participation in the Integrated Arts—Music, Drama and Visual Arts—students are provided with a space to explore and understand the human experience; giving them a language for emotions they struggle to verbalize. Students develop a high number of transferable skills they can carry with them into their academic goals, post-secondary and beyond.

Students involved in the integrated arts have opportunities to perform or work behind the scenes. From Band, to play, to integrated performances students can find their own way to shine. For some students this is centre stage, while for others it’s designing and running lights or creating the set.

There are opportunities to connect with local and international experts in the arts community, such as visual artists, directors, choreographers, actors, writers, and designers, and students can receive technical training in lighting, production, set design and construction. There are also many authentic performances and showcase opportunities at the Conference of Independent Schools in Music, Drama, and Dance Festivals and Visual Arts Showcase. 

Technology and Design

Students are fascinated with innovation and technology and HTS provides an important outlet for them to explore these interests in meaningful ways. Our programs provide students with skills and expertise to foster new ways of thinking and learning—instilling them with the confidence to take on any new opportunity that comes their way.

Students who engage with our Technology & Design programs are exposed to many transferable skills including: design technology training, digital literacies, project management, collaboration, critical thinking, computational thinking, self-directed learning and global connectivity. 

Our program highlights include VEX Robotics competitions, the school fashion show, partnerships with innovative organizations like Convergence Tech, a variety of hackathons and challenges (face-to-face and virtual), and expert support and guidance with software developers and engineering professors.

Leadership and Clubs

At HTS, we believe in students having opportunities to exercise their own agency and leadership skills. Therefore, in addition to our co-curricular offerings, there are a host of student-led clubs in the Senior School. 

Each spring, students are able to pitch new club ideas to the Student Life Team, outlining any new clubs or initiatives that they would like to introduce the following year.  All the clubs listed below were championed by students and are led by students, with a faculty advisor assigned for support.

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Student Clubs

1. Amnesty International

2. Aspire 

3. Athletic Council 

4. Believe Initiative

5. Book Club 

6. Chess Club 

7. The Chronicle

8. Coding Club 

9. Cooking Club 

10. DECA 



11. Debate Club

12. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Club

13. Eco-Team

14. Fashion Forward

15. Feminism for Change

16. Forensics Club

17. Future Entrepreneurs 

18. Grad Year Committee 

19. Graphic Design Club 

20. GSA 




21. Hawks Club

22. Help the Society 

23. HOSA 

24. HTS Investment Club

25. HTS Law Society 

26. HTS TedED 

27. Innovation Programming (Hackathons)

28. Integrated Arts Council

29. International Languages Club 



30. Model United Nations

31. Passion Project 

32. Peer Tutoring 

33. Prom Committee 

34. Public Relations 

35. Reach for the Top 

36. Social Committee 

37. Student Council - President 

38. Vex V5 Robotics

39. Yearbook