
Donations are vital funding that allows us to deliver an exceptional education and maintain an innovative learning environment. The generous support we've received from parents, staff and alumni has been instrumental in the growth and development of the HTS you see today. 

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Donations are vital funding that allows us to deliver an exceptional education and maintain an innovative learning environment. The generous support we've received from parents, staff and alumni has been instrumental in the growth and development of the HTS you see today. 

As a not-for-profit organization, HTS devotes all our resources to our primary purpose - delivering an outstanding educational program.

When you support HTS, you allow us to invest in our incredible programs, people and spaces. Join us in our mission to provide a learning environment where every learner is seen, heard and empowered to make an impact in their communities and the world.

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 Our contributions help create a community where our children can thrive, learn, and develop strong character. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their future.
- Ron Caruso and Antoinette DeSimini-Caruso 
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Annual Fund
The Annual Fund supports the school's vision and initiatives beyond tuition costs. These funds enhance facilities, implement new programs, and provide financial aid, enabling extraordinary experiences for all learners.
Each year, the HTS community comes together through financial contributions to the Annual Fund, going beyond tuition to inspire the school's future vision.
Your support for the Annual Fund can be directed to either of the following initiatives:
Head’s Discretionary Fund
Designated by the Head of School, these funds are allocated to areas that require enhancements to support innovative programming. This might include outfitting classrooms with new equipment or funding new initiatives. The Head’s Discretionary Fund allows us to elevate learning experiences for our students throughout the year.
Graduation Endowment Fund

In 2006, the graduating class established the Graduation Endowment Fund, a philanthropic initiative to support student financial assistance. Students and parents were invited to contribute to build a sustainable fund that could provide aid to those in need. This collective effort by the class laid the foundation for an impactful legacy that continues to benefit HTS students to this day.

The generosity of the Class of 2006 and subsequent classes has provided financial aid to students since 2012. In 2016, the first student assisted by the Graduation Endowment Fund graduated.

On behalf of all past, current, and future beneficiaries, thank you to the families who have supported this incredible legacy, which will continue to benefit students for years to come.

Student Financial Assistance

The HTS endowment provides student financial assistance through scholarships, bursaries, and awards. 
With the support of donors, HTS has set up endowment funds. An endowment is truly the gift that keeps on giving, as your gift is protected and only the investment income is spent.
As a result of the investment income generated by our endowment, four worthy students receive a full scholarship to HTS every year. In addition, several smaller scholarships, bursaries, and awards are given to HTS students annually.
HTS Gala

Since 1998, the HTS Community has come together every two years to celebrate and raise funds to further establish the school as a leader in education.

While these needs vary year to year, the common thread is providing additional programs, cutting-edge equipment and transformative opportunities for our students.

Join us to build the legacy of HTS for future generations of students.








General Information

Legal Name: Holy Trinity School Educational Network
Charitable Registration No.: 122397417RR0001

For more information, please contact:

Eliza Bianchi
Executive Director of Community Relations and Development
905-737-1114 ext. 271

*Always speak with a Certified Financial Planner and/or lawyer before making a planned gift.

Planned Giving

The HTS Planned Giving program offers an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy. When you remember Holy Trinity School with a bequest in your will, you enable many generations of students to benefit from this excellent education.