Fr Stephen Crowther

BFA, BSc, MA (Divinity)

School Chaplain

The well-rounded Rev. Canon Stephen Crowther holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of King’s College and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking and Painting from Mount Allison University, as well as a Master of Divinity from the University of Toronto’s Wycliffe College. After 12 years as a parish priest, Stephen joined HTS in 1999. As Chaplain, he is responsible for religious knowledge instruction throughout Lower, Middle and Senior School, and for daily Chapel service, which is the heart of HTS community life. Stephen was named an honorary Canon by St. James' Cathedral in the Anglican Diocese in 2012.

Stephen is happily married with three children. He enjoys printmaking, photography, and watercolour painting as well as gardening, hockey and storytelling.
