Mr John Tam

BSc (Hons), BEd

Computer Science and Mathematics Teacher

Upon completing his Computer Science degree, John left his hometown of Edmonton to embark on a software development career at the IBM Toronto Laboratory, where he had previously completed a 16 month Industry Internship Program during his undergrad. At IBM for 19 years, he dedicated his entire career there engrossed in his passion of C and C++ compiler quality assurance and performance benchmarking.

As a father of two, he rediscovered the joy of working and teaching children and hence decided to leave IBM to pursue his original dream of becoming a Senior School mathematics teacher. After graduating OISE, John was extremely blessed to be hired by HTS for a one-year LTO teaching Senior School math. This was followed by another one-year LTO teaching Senior School math at RSGC, after which he was tremendously excited and happy to return to HTS to teach Computer Science in the Senior School. Through teaching programming, John hopes to instil, within his students, the love of problem-solving through imaginative and critical thinking and discovering the art of creating elegant programming solutions.

John loves being in the classroom and fostering strong learning relationships with his students, along with his deep passion for coaching, especially volleyball and badminton. His most memorable moments have been winning HTS's first OFSAA championship in 2018 with the Senior Girls Volleyball team and a very successful 2023 OFSAA Badminton that saw six players competing in four events, and the highest medal level won in HTS's history.
