Mr Rob Thomson 

BSc (Hons), BEd, MEd

Head of Middle School

Rob started teaching at HTS in 1996 as a Grade 5 homeroom teacher. He expanded his role over the next years, becoming the Science and Technology Coordinator for the Lower School. His greatest enjoyment was as a coach of many basketball, hockey and softball teams.

Rob left HTS in 2002 to become a member of the founding faculty of Greenwood College School, eventually becoming the Director of IT at Montcrest School. Missing the school that he loved, Rob jumped at the opportunity to return to HTS as the Head of the Middle School in 2012. Since then, he has enjoyed working with many of the most creative teachers he has come across, building a kind, energetic, and rigorous Middle School program that fills students' "toolboxes", readying them for life in the Senior School.

Rob and his wife, Shannon, are experiencing life without children for the first time as they are both off to university. If you see Mr. T jogging down Bayview after school, be sure to give him a honk - he needs all the encouragement he can get.
