Ms Donita Duplisea 

BA (Dbl. Hons), BEd, MEd

Academic Director

Donita Duplisea, Academic Director, started her global education very young, growing up in the Canadian Military; attending 11 schools in 12 years in both Canada and Germany. She started her post-secondary education at the University of British Columbia and then transferred to the University of New Brunswick where she earned a double Honours in French Literature and International Development Studies with a minor in Psychology. Her Honours thesis centred around the study of illiteracy and the subordination of women through culture. Upon completion of her BA, she went on to complete my Bachelor of Education focusing on Secondary School English, ESL and French as a Second Language.Donita is passionate about ensuring the next generation is focused on acceptance rather than hate, and therefore made it her mission to teach about the history of genocide and its strategies to ensure it would never happen again.

To complete her Masters in Education thesis, she created a workbook and teacher manual on the 5 Stages of Discrimination. She also worked with a non-profit organization to try and amend the Québec Curriculum to include Holocaust Education. Remaining a witness to these atrocities is paramount to her beliefs and she has spent time visiting both Dachau and the Cambodian Killing Fields. She absolutely loves a good debate and has worked in National and International arenas with Model UN and Young Leaders. She wants to continue to develop our Model United Nations Team to compete in local, national and international conferences. Before joining HTS in 2017, for the most part, she worked in the private school sector, holding teaching licenses in five provinces in Canada, and Trinidad and Tobago. She has taught a wide variety of courses covered in the Global Studies Department, and coupled with her experiences as an innovator, Department Head, Subject Leader and Principal, she is pleased to be the new Academic Director here at HTS.
