Ms Tracy Howard

BA (Hons)

Director of Student Success & Post-Secondary Counselling

Tracy Howard graduated from the University of Guelph with a degree in Psychology and Theatre Arts. Following a brief career in marketing and public relations, she made counselling her vocation, initially with Corrections Canada. Tracy returned to school for her certification in Career Counselling, graduating at the top of her class with the Dean’s Medal of Distinction. Subsequently, she taught at George Brown College, SOLA and Royal St. George’s before coming to HTS in 2004.

As the Director of Student Success, Tracy was responsible for bringing the YPI project to the school and has been instrumental in implementing many of the school's parent and student support initiatives. Currently, Tracy oversees the Guidance program for Grades 7 through Grade 12.

In her undergrad years, Tracy enjoyed performing in theatrical productions, as well as writing and producing for the stage. The theatre remains an abiding passion.
